Thursday, November 30, 2006

Karazhan: Shade of Aran

As you clear through the lower areas of Karazhan and ascend into the tower, the path becomes more linear.

One of the encounters in the tower is the Shade of Aran. This is a view into his room, from the last room before his:

And, this is a view of one minute after we ran in the room. Talk about an ass kicking...

Without giving away too much about the fight, the ability he's using right there is a combo where he pulls everyone to the center of the room, uses an AE slow, and then starts casting an arcane explosion that hits for 15k non-crit. The best part is that this isn't even the roughest part of the fight.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006


UI Updated

Updated versions of ElkBuffBar and ItemRack that work with the latest beta patch.

Modified SimpleCombatLog to stop spamming the chat window with unknown event data.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Warchief Kargath Bladefist.

Sweeping strikes, blade dance, level 70 adds every 15-20 seconds... What more could you ask?

Monday, November 06, 2006

Rating Buster

This is a must have addon for anyone in beta: Rating Buster

It will modify your item tooltips to display what percentage gains its skill ratings give you at your level.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Pandemonius hates rogues.

An emote before the damage shield, please.

As if the double/triple void blasts and his shadow based melee don't bring enough pain, is it really necessary to penalize dual wield melee with ~1500+ damage each time the damage shield pops?

Once your dps warrior or rogue dies to the damage shield and a void blast or two, that leaves the remaining members eating even more void blast damage. Eventually the priest is the one that catches a double or triple, and it's good game. With all range DPS, it's half as difficult.

While it's doable enough in strong beta groups now, it will be too hard for the average group in release. I don't want to have to tell my rogue friends they can't come to Mana Tombs with me, because they're just a liability on 2/3 the bosses in there.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006